The project is implemented with the financial support of
Operational program “Development of human resources”,
co-financed by the European Social Fund of the European Union
On 01.11.2017, project No. BG05M9OP001-4.001-0127 “Innovative Education Center” under OP “Development of Human Resources” was launched
On 01.11.2017, project No. BG05M9OP001-4.001-0127 “Innovative Education Center of Association “Bokaya”, procedure No. BG05M9OP001-4.001 “Transnational and Danube Partnerships for Employment and Growth”, under OP “Development of Human Resources” was launched.
The main goal of the project is:
• Implementation of transnational cooperation between Bulgaria and Romania, with the aim of transferring and introducing social innovations in the field of employment to improve the quality of jobs and ensure equal access to opportunities for lifelong learning.
The specific objectives of the project are:
• Building a partnership between Bulgaria and Romania with a focus on the field of employment to build transfer networks and implement innovative social practices;
• Preparation of a comprehensive analysis of the situation of marginalized groups in Bulgaria and Romania and explored opportunities for cooperation to overcome the social isolation of persons at risk;
• Exchange of know-how and a developed complex of measures to improve the access of people of all age groups to lifelong learning opportunities to increase the quality of work and the competence of the employed persons;
• Transfer of successful social practices from eight European countries (Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia and Romania) in the field of effective training and employment in order to strengthen the capacity of human resources in Bulgaria;
• Development of human resources, through implementation of transnational cooperation in the field of training and qualification of unemployed, inactive and employed persons with the aim of developing new skills and acquiring new competencies;
• Exchange of experience, good practices and models to ensure equal access of the employed to lifelong learning opportunities;
• Creating conditions for improving mobility, employment and the acquisition of additional key competencies in order to increase the competitiveness of the workforce in the region of Vidin and Kalafat;
• Creation of an Innovative Education Center to raise awareness among employers, interested parties and the local community about the specific problems and needs of the unemployed;
• Facilitating communication between employers and job seekers by building a web-based platform “Education and Work”.
• “Patronatul Local Al Intreprinderilor mici si midlzii” – Kalafat (Association for Small and Medium Enterprises – Kalafat), R. Romania
Implementation period:
• 11.2017 – 01.11.2018
Place of sale:
• the city of Vidin, R. Bulgaria and the city of Calafat, R. Romania
• BGN 187,909.30
The financing of the project is 100% grants, of which 85% is European financing and 15% – national co-financing
For additional information: “Bokaya” Association, address: city of Vidin, 28 Tsar Simeon Veliki St., e-mail: bokaya@admin
One direction – many possibilities!