Contract number: 2020-3-BG01-KA105-094896
Today 26.07 the implementation of the project “Youngster workforce” with number № 2020-3-BG01-KA105-094896, funded by the Erasmus + Program, was successfully completed.
The main goal of the project was to increase the level of professional and personal competencies of a total of 39 young people from Bulgaria, Romania and Serbia and to develop in them specific knowledge and skills with which to be able to effectively participate in the labor market.
The implementation of the project and the activities envisaged in it gave the opportunity to the young people participating in it to participate in various and creative activities, which will increase the level of key competencies and skills in terms of increasing knowledge about the labor market and relationships in it. of knowledge and good practices in job search and finding, as well as building a positive attitude towards inclusion in the labor market. The youth exchange, realized within 10 days, started on 12.07.2021 and lasted until 21.07.2021. All activities included in the work program of mobility were based on methods of non-formal education, including: role-playing games, presentations, discussions, workshops, exchange of experience, simulations and others.
As a result of the implementation of the set activities, the specific objectives of the project were achieved, namely:
- Improving the knowledge of the mechanisms of the labor market and the practical skills for finding and finding a job;
- Acquisition and development of skills, new knowledge and competencies for career guidance;
- Building leadership, personal and civic competencies through a dynamic learning process and through interactive approaches and non-formal learning methods;
- Developing the creative thinking of young people.
The successful implementation of the project „Youngster workforce“ had a strong positive impact on its participants – a total of 39 young people aged between 18 and 25 from three European countries – Bulgaria, Romania and Serbia. By participating in the project, they acquired new knowledge and skills, which led to the following learning outcomes:
- Increasing the knowledge about the labor market and the relations in it;
- Establishing knowledge and good practices in job search and finding;
- Improving the knowledge about the mechanisms of the labor market and the processes in it;
- Building entrepreneurial thinking and knowledge for starting an independent business;
- Communication skills – communication in an informal multicultural environment;
- Language skills – use of English in everyday life and in the implementation of various activities of the work program;
- Work skills is a team – in the practical implementation of the exchange, participants were provoked to make decisions through various cases in a team
- Ability to present in a multicultural and multilingual environment;
- Awareness of European values such as solidarity, tolerance, respect for other points of view and different opinions;
- Stimulating and developing the creativity of the participants – through various interactive activities and logical cases.
The project created important conditions for personal and professional development of the participants. The planned activities guaranteed positive changes in the professional behavior of the young people, encouraging their activity and stimulating their entrepreneurial thinking. Thanks to their participation in the project, the participants developed key skills for teamwork, organizational behavior, development of presentation skills, competencies for the analysis of causal relationships, which are an integral part of the formation of personal and professional development.
The successful implementation of the project phases allowed the team of Bokaya, as the host of the project, and the partner organizations Asociatia Act Integration, Romania and Center for Creative Development – Knjazevac to reward their experience in working with young people using methods of work, based on non-formal learning, through which young people developed a number of skills and competencies, and helped to create a more dynamic, modern and professional work environment by integrating good practices and innovative methods in their current activities.
This project is funded by the European Commission under the Erasmus + Program. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.