About us

Association “BOKAYA” was founded in September 2013 in Vidin region. An organization whose purpose is based on the understanding that a developed and strong civil society is achieved through the active involvement of empowered and informed citizens in public processes. In its initiatives, the “BOKAYA” association emphasizes democratic values and mechanisms that stimulate individual participation and civic responsibility. Achieving sustainable results, shared values and creating lasting relationships between civil society entities themselves and representatives of the Third Sector, state institutions and businesses are part of the association’s activities.

Among the main goals and tasks of the association are:
• In the field of education: Supporting youth, training, qualification and retraining of
unemployed; Stimulating youth employment through training; Development of educational programs,
organization of symposia, seminars, trainings, workshops, consultations;
• In the field of inclusion: Support the integration of young people in a disadvantaged position in
society and encouraging their initiative; Helping minority groups, eliminating
any form of discrimination; integration into society;
• In the field of physical culture and free time: Supporting cultural events, organizing
forums, festivals and meetings in the field of culture; Encouraging the organization of entertainment programs,
support the activities of musical groups, ensembles, extracurricular forms, presentations; Supporting youth
initiatives, sports and cultural activities, information sharing and innovation activities; Stimulation
the development of tourism, physical culture, mass sports with sporting events.

Association “BOKAYA” is part of the initiative of the Foundation “Workshop for Civic Initiatives” (FRGI), with which they guarantee their good governance through transparency, control, accountability, prevention of conflicts of interest, responsible management of human resources and direct connection with public groups .
Read more about the standards we apply in our work here: https://frgi.bg/bg/standarti-za-dobro-upravlenie-na-grazhdanska-organizatsiya
The “Bokaya” Association has experience from projects under the “Active Citizens” Fund, among which our “Fair Game” project, with number No. 63/21.07.2021, implemented by the “Bokaya” Association and the Bilitis Resource Center with financial support of Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway under the EEA Financial Mechanism. The main aim of the project was to improve gender equality and help to combat gender-based violence in sport by conducting training sessions for sports journalists on the topic of “Hate Language in Sport” as well as dissemination events developed within of the project Manual with Rules for preventing and combating gender-based violence in sports among coaches and representatives of sports organizations. Sports events were also organized – a women’s football tournament in Sofia and a dragon boat race on the Danube in Vidin, as well as a large-scale campaign on social networks. More information about the “Fair Game” project can be found here -> https://bokaya.eu/%d1%87%d0%b5%d1%81%d1%82%d0%bd%d0%b0-%d0% b8%d0%b3%d1%80%d0%b0/, and the videos from the social media campaign are available on the association’s YouTube channel -> https://www.youtube.com/@associationbokaya/videos
Association “BOKAYA” also has experience in its work on the project “Model for active citizen participation in the formulation, management and monitoring of the local policy for the development of sports on the territory of the municipalities of Vidin, Vratsa and Montana”, No. BG05SFOP001-2.025-0022-C01 / 21.07.2022, under the OP “Good governance”. More information about it can be found at https://bokaya.eu/category/%d0%be%d0%bf-%d0%b4%d0%be%d0%b1%d1%80%d0%be-%d1 %83%d0%bf%d1%80%d0%b0%d0%b2%d0%bb%d0%b5%d0%bd%d0%b8%d0%b5/.
Association “BOKAYA” is also a partner in the project “Integrated approach for socio-economic integration of vulnerable groups in the Municipality of Vidin”, No. BG05M9OP001-2.056-0025-2014BG05M2OP001-C01, in line with two operational programs – OP “Science and education for intelligent growth” and OP “Development of human resources”, where he is responsible for a large part of the implementation of Activity 5 “Promoting the participation of parents in the educational process and working with parents from ethnic minorities to prevent dropping out of school” under project ВG05M9OP001-2.056-0025 “Integrated approach for socio-economic integration of vulnerable groups in Vidin Municipality”. More about him here -> https://bokaya.eu/%d0%bf%d1%80%d0%be%d0%b5%d0%ba%d1%82-%d0%b8%d0%bd%d1% 82%d0%b5%d0%b3%d1%80%d0%b8%d1%80%d0%b0%d0%bd-%d0%bf%d0%be%d0%b4%d1%85%d0%be %d0%b4-%d0%b7%d0%b0-%d1%81%d0%be%d1%86%d0%b8%d0%b0%d0%bb%d0%bd/
You can access clips and materials from the association’s campaigns from our YouTube channel -> https://www.youtube.com/@associationbokaya/videos

Association “Bokaya” actively works for the development of the local community in the town of Vidin and its construction as part of
European society. From the moment of its creation until now, the “Bokaya” association has been actively working to promote people with more
few opportunities to be active participants in society. Young people also participate in each of our projects
disadvantage, thereby hopefully encouraging them to overcome their imposed
limitations and to work for their social and professional development.

From its previous activity, “Bokaya” association has a well-established partner network of international
organizations with which he actively works to promote solidarity among young people to solve the
socially significant issues.

In this regard, “BOKAYA” association also holds accreditation as a receiving, sending and coordinating organization under the Erasmus+ program. As such an organization, we have participated in numerous projects and mobilities in and outside the country, more information about which you can find in the “Projects” section. All of them are directly related to the main goals and ideology of the association, and aim to create opportunities for the youth in the district and the country to acquire and develop skills in various fields, for example, ecology, digitization and digital skills, sports and others. You will find more information about our accreditation – EVS Erasmus+ at -> https://europa.eu/youth/volunteering/organisation/923055978_en

In addition, we also hold the quality mark of the European Solidarity Corps as a supporting and leading organization and we also have experience in mobilities under its mechanism. You can find more information about the “Bokaya” association quality mark at -> https://youth.europa.eu/volunteering/organisation/51747_en.


Boris Nedyalkov
Chairman of the “Bokaya” association

e-mail: b.nedyalkov@bokaya.eu
тел.: 00359 878 888 862

Monika Zhivkova
Project manager

e-mail: m.zhivkova@bokaya.eu
тел.: 00359 893 009 037

Сдружение „БОКАЯ“ е част от инициативата на Фондация „Работилница за граждански инициативи” (ФРГИ), с която гарантират своето добро управление чрез прозрачност, контрол, отчетност, предотвратяване на конфликт на интереси, отговорно управление на човешките ресурси и пряка връзка с обществените групи.

Успешни наши примери са реализираните ни до сега дейности, обучения, семинари чрез които достигнахме до огромен брой младежи в областта. Най-добрите ни примери за това са проекти като „Младежка банка Видин“, „Международен ден на младежта“ в с. Арчар и гр. Видин , „Взаимодействие за бъдещи шампиони“ гр. Видин, „Иновативен образователен център“ и др.

Сдружение „БОКАЯ“ бе представител на европейска мрежа от мултиплаери на ЕВРОДЕСК , в периода 2015г- 2019г, която служи за информационен портал на всички младежи в ЕС. Чрез мрежата да станете участник на практики в младежкия сектор, паралелно прилагани в 28-те държави членки, а също така и да получите информация за актуални стажове практики, грантове и конкурси из цяла Европа.